Hair Removal
Catered to your skin’s sensitivity level, West End Skincare is the only practice in the Seacoast to offer such a variety of choices.
Time and rate vary
We only offer the highest quality hard wax - sometimes referred to as “European”.
Brow Wax $30 - $35
Bikini (traditional) $45 - $60
Brazilian Bikini(1st visit) $85 - $110
Brazilian (monthly) $70 - $90
Face $45 - $55
Lip/Chin $20 - $25
Under Arm $20 - $25
Time and rate vary
A great alternative to those with super sensitive skin or prone to ingrown hairs. We are proud to offer the sought out Alexandria Sugaring products.*
Brow Sugar. $30 - $35
Bikini (traditional) $50 - $60
Brazilian Bikini (1st time) $90 - $110
Brazilian Bikini (monthly)$70 - $90
Face Sugar $45 - $55
Lip/Chin $20 - $25
Under Arm $20 - $25
* Client needs to discontinue Retin A or Retinol products 5 days before coming in when booking waxing or sugaring services.
Hair Removal Tips +
- Wear loose (preferably cotton) to your appointment.
- Hair growth should be at least ¼ - ½ an inch (size of grain of rice).
- Do not drink caffeinated beverages or alcohol the 4 hours prior to your appointment.
- Take aspirin or Tylenol 30-45 min. Prior to appointment to minimize discomfort.
- Avoid sweating, chlorinated water and sun exposure 24-48 hours after treatment.
- Maintain a 4-6 week schedule - softer regrowth and less uncomfortable!
- Keep in mind users of Vitamin A products (Retin-A, Renova, Differin) are not advised to have wax performed on areas those products are applied.